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Thank you for opening Business Registration Update 2016/17

Dear Sir / Madam, For most businesses simply having other businesses with which you might profitably co-operate simply know of your existance is a major challenge - not any more! In order to have your Company registered in the World Businesses List 2016/17 Edition, please print and complete the attached PDF document. Then either scan the completed document and email it as an attachment to register@registeryourcompany.org as a reply to this email, or alternatively post it to World Business List, P.O. Box 34, 3700 AA, Zeist, The Netherlands. or send by Fax to +31 30 310 0125. Yours faithfully Craig Davenport for RegisterYourCompany.org You have received this communication as you are listed as a reputable and successful business in your Country Unsubscribe http://tracking.registeryourcompany.org/contacts/index.php/campaigns/nd333y0zx510f/track-url/ap771l24l16a2/43b2d37c9dea69e18f3fa96c5a042c8963c4ccdd Craig Davenport PO Box 34 Zeist Utrecht 3700 AA Netherlands Report Abuse http://tracking.registeryourcompany.org/contacts/index.php/campaigns/nd333y0zx510f/track-url/ap771l24l16a2/82c0175d6898fe040b83ae05b4b933818252dc69
17.03.2016, 23:10
on 17/3/16

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